02 October 2007

Inspired by a True Bohemian*

"Love is not a thing to understand. Love is not a thing to feel. Love is not a thing to give and receive. Love is a thing only to become And eternally be." Sri Chinmoy

Love has always been an obsession of mine ever since I was a little child, I've always been led by my heart. So, without wanting to quote Whitney Houston, here are ten things that I do for myself to feel loved:

1. Eat well and consciously. Cook food using fresh ingredients while listening to music and eat every mouthful awake and in the moment.

2. Clear away all the useless objects and clutter to create a clean and clear space where I can breathe. Infact any homemaking activities like putting photos in albums, mending, sorting and I feel really looked after.

3. Twenty minutes every morning focusing on my breathing and getting really connected and and centred, acknowledging whatever is there and accepting it.

4. When I write every day, I wake up like a person in love, on fire and lit up with the anticipation of spending that sacred time creating and discovering.

5. Reading my favourite blogs religiously keeps me on course, inspired and creative.

6. Walking in nature. I just don't get to do that nearly enough. It keeps me feeling alive and awake.

7. Yoga gets the energy flowing all over my body. Yum!

8. Spending time with people I love and laughing. Sharing champagne and Turkish delight.

9. Being kind and being my own best friend when times get tough.

10. Staying present. Being in each moment filled with possibility and choice, knowing that we only really have right now.

*Thank you Boho Girl

1 comment:

Jamie said...

What an inspiring list! And a fantastic reminder of what can happen when we are loving to ourselves. Thank you!