12 November 2007

Wish Box

Far away in the sunshine are my highest inspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see the beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead..." Louisa May Alcott

Following Jamie's example, I made this wish box yesterday after reading this quote. I've put in a high shelf in my cupboard so that I can look up and imagine my "highest inspirations".

I'm in a real period of movement and transition, about to embark on the next part of my life. While making this box yesterday, I was listening to Marianne Williamson talking about the story of Isis and Osiris. Since resigning, I've just wanted to clear out all the clutter in my room. Bearing in mind that everything I own fits into a car, I just don't want anything in my life that doesn't have a purpose, that isn't congruent with who I am becoming. So feeling this real urge to start clearing out my cupboard and start packing, Marianne was talking about how she remembers a time when people were just happy to be functioning and how now is the time to move from functioning to being truly alive and awake and standing in our own greatness. She made a joke along the lines of "I'm not ready to be great, I still need to clean out my closet".

So I am nearly ready! I've filled two more bags with clothes, books and CDs that are ready to go to a new home. I've never liked to let go of books, they are like gemstones to me, but having only kept the books a really love and the ones I really love and can't replace, I am being to feel lighter and clearer. The more I get rid of, the more I want to let go of all these objects that just take up space. I never touch my CDs, all the music I listen to is on my laptop. I have many books but only a few that I treasure. And I have a whole load of "things" like wires, post it notes, blank CDs that have that sticky not quite useful, not quite useless energy about them. I'm trying to find new homes for everything and its SOOOO liberating and energising!

I'm making a clearing ready for the new life that will only hold what's important and resonant for me. A spacious, conscious,wild horse life, fully lived in the moment, vibrant, energised and full of colour!


madelyn said...

I love horses!

Now I need a wish box as well...

Jamie said...

Oh, what a beautiful and inspiring wish box. Horses really are your totem. Here they look like they're carrying your wishes to the Universe, or perhaps they're your wishes themselves. Beautiful!

And yay on you for clearing out. I totally recognized the "not quite useful/not quite useless" description! That inspires me to rid myself of more!

May all that you've cleared make space for wondrous happenings and unexpected treasures!